Friday, April 18, 2008

Beginning a new journey in blogging

I'm visiting my son this week and enjoying time with his family, especially my youngest grandchild. My son has shown me a new style of communicating through blogging.

I find sharing ideas continues to stimulate my thinking and understanding of the world. I look forward to expressing my thoughts and hearing feedback from other bloggers who are interested in the same topics as me.

I have always enjoyed the journey of learning. I was a teacher for 23 years, then I unexpectedly felt called to ministry at the age of 50. The call initially was to deepen my own relationship with God. But, as I observed what other church goers were doing, it did not seem they were on a similar path to mine. Even people teaching Sunday School were more interested in the convenience of rotating teachers rather than building relationships with children for their growth in the Christian walk. I saw the need for adults in the church to deepen their relationship with God so that our children may have dedicated spiritually formed adults guiding them and leading them in this early part of their journey.

That began my journey to seminary about ten years ago. I received a Masters in Spiritual Formation and Evangelism at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary.

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